

“豪猪枣”的功能:主要是医治脑膜炎,骨痛热症,基孔肯雅蚊症。它对皮肤病和帮 助辅助伤口快速愈合,同时有清血解毒安神镇惊的功效。病人动手术时,若服用之, 也不会感觉头晕,脉象和心跳都会趋向稳定。

posted by 陈宝琪 at 12:54 AM


我住院了。距离上一次已经十七年。两个星期前(一晃眼竟然已经半个月!)的礼拜五,吃了午餐后开始发烧,到了下班时已经站不直。虽说是慢慢地驾车回家去,不过感觉更像是挣扎着爬到家门口去的。到了家,妹妹和Ricky马上带我去家附近的医院看医生。医生问了一堆问题,问出了务边游、急流泛舟、走森林,怀疑是疟疾。当时量出体温40度和超低血压,医生说,这么低的血压,要休克了!马上给我吊了两包点滴。躺着时,脑里飘着休克/骨痛热症/疟疾/死,之类的字眼,想起自己还有许多事没有完成,许多地方没有去过,就这么死了很可惜,不禁悲从中来流泪不停。这时机器发出了哔哔响,我的手脚开始麻痹,于是哭得更厉害了。后来医生跑来说,你为什么哭呀,疟疾是可以治愈的。真丢人。由于我的医药卡不保这家医院,保另一家SJMC,所以医生写了一封信让我带去继续治疗。到了才发现医药卡早已过期,什么保都没有,不过已经没有精力再跑,就呆了下来。***那是一个热闹的礼拜五晚上,医院闹哄哄。护士把我安在急诊室一张床上。我痛苦地睡着,一个医生忙碌地过来随便问了一些问题,说好吧你要住院还是只是验血看看是不是疟疾。我说要住院,心想我已经病到要死了你还叫我回家去?他说好的,就飘去别张病床了。过了一段时间都没有人来睬,朦胧中听见有人在凄厉地嚎叫,似乎随时会断气的样子,我继续很不安地睡着。而不知什么时候心开始不正常地怦怦跳,待护士来量时,居然是惊人的一分钟180下心跳。然后他们开始在我身上粘电线,说是要观察。那个忙碌的医生这时来说,这个哪里是疟疾,根本是心的问题 (It's a heart problem!)。我又急又气,叫了起来。明明我的心很健康,虽然心碎过,不过早已经愈合,绝没有可能变成心脏病!护士说,医生你不该在病人面前这么说呀。我一句话都说不出来,这种场面像做戏一样。后来来了一个心脏专科,Dr Betty。我告诉她是因为给凄厉的嚎叫声吓到心神不宁才这样。而她说不是的,是有病毒,不过未必是严重的问题 ,有些人一生只发作一次。我开始害怕,无奈到极点,突然疟疾变成心脏病了,不知他们要把我的心拿去怎么样。而后来老陈跟我说,那个嚎叫的人居然只是一个醉汉,并不是我想象的一些血淋淋的场面!我可给他害惨了。结果就这么戏剧性地,我住进了心脏科的病房。发烧的事,护士给了两颗班纳杜就算数。***第二天,护士来量血压和体温,发现没退烧,说,奇怪,已经吃了两颗班纳杜阿。我觉得好笑,姑娘你以为班纳杜是仙丹咩。而她们继续喂我班纳杜。这时才舍得叫一位看发烧和传染病的医生来看我。她问清楚了,说可能是病毒感染的发烧,或骨痛热症。这两种病都无药可治,这段时间只能确保身体有充足的水分,然后等身体自己好。Dr Betty 还没有放弃我的心,有人把我推去做一个叫Echocardiogram 的东西,心脏扫描。这是我第一次和我的心见面!我很安慰,我的老心健康鲜活地跳,没有裂痕,没有碎。父母闻讯从大山脚飞车下来看我。这一天是父亲节前夕。做完心脏扫描,爸爸把我自医院北翼缓缓推回南翼,感觉十分诡异,我这个不孝女儿居然要老爸推我的轮椅。***心没有问题。可是发烧的事还没有好,一忽儿高烧,一忽儿退烧。退烧的时候精神好,可以说笑。父母见状以为很快可以痊愈,放心回家去。可是一觉醒来又变成高烧。护士每天给我吃六颗班纳杜。医生每天来看,却只说同样的东西,一点进展都没有。到了第四天,开始呕吐不停。喝两口水也会吐。完全不能吃喝,一边肚子饿,痛苦到要命。爸爸闻讯,又飞车下来看,连续三天在床边照顾,晚上在沙发上睡成S字型,半夜起来泡豆奶喂我,兼且泡给同样肚子饿的同房室友。她很感激,不停地说,你有一个好爸爸。是是是,这个老爸是好得没话说的。呕吐没有停,我每天可怜兮兮地央护士给我打止吐针,然后快快地在药效时间内喝美禄吃面包,苦不堪言。我求了老爸几次把我打晕,待病好了才醒来,他只一笑置之。***星期四,医生终于来宣布,确定是骨痛热症。血小板指数约100. 这是家里亲友间第一宗病例,一点经验也没有。老爸不相信无药可治,打听了各种偏方在短时间内在我身上试验。
1. 某直销牌子排毒药。由于骨痛热症属“毒”,故排之。吃了一包下去,结果泻了肚子一整天,加上呕吐,苦上加苦 -_-2. 木瓜叶搅成汁,也是天下一大苦!3.椰水。只有这个比较像样,是唯一不打针喝下去不会吐的食物。4.豪猪枣。一种神奇的药粉,0.375公克卖480 大元。味道奇苦。
老爸恶恨代班的Dr Betty 无动于衷,每天来哈罗,却无药可治,跟医生说要转去大山脚的医院。于是我签了一张纸,出了院。在医院一躺七天,受尽折磨,用掉我所有积蓄 。回到大山脚,我自然不肯自一个坟墓投入另一个坟墓,执意在家里休息算数。这时候,却神奇地病好了!去验血,血小板已升至182, 隔一天再验,已突破250。 以上三项(除第一项)加起来发挥了神奇的功效。若谁大吉利是患了骨痛热症可一试。***缺席了10天后又回去上班,山中方数日,世上已千年,不适用于工作。仍是堆积如山的工作等着。唉。而大家都说同样的话,“你好瘦”。 -_-


Richard & CatherineY3K Recipes Issue no.42 (May-June 2008)

Efficacious Remedy using Porcupine Date

Not too long ago, an internet pal of our son came down with dengue and was admitted to the local hospital in Singapore. Apparently, it was too late and she died of dengue haemorrhagic fever after a couple of hours of admission. We were all saddened to hear of the sudden death as she was only 19. Last month our son’s other friend was feeling all uptight as her father was warded in a Kuala Lumpur private hospital as it was another case of dengue fever. The family resides in an apartment not far from some construction sites with abandoned material. These could have been good breeding ground for the Aedes mosquitoes. Our son visited him at the ward and told us that this uncle-friend needed a blood transfusion the next day as his blood count had dropped drastically. It reminded us of the epsiode of our reader-cum-friend in Banting who needed eight packs of blood for the same cause.
Suddenly, it struck us of a Chinese folk remedy introduced to us by a mutual friend. This herbal subject is the porcupine date( Hao Zhu Zao). Well, it’s like a kidney stone of the wild porcupines which goes into deep jungles and feed on wild herbs. We have seen the utmost superior grade at a famous herbal place in Kuala Lumpur with a branded price of RM 72,000 for the whole ball. You actually need a scrapping of half-a-teaspoon for each dose. Yes, we have heard much of its effectiveness in combating dengue fever and raising blood count. So, off we went to a nearby herbal shop to purchase two packs of this ground powder of the porcupine date. It costs RM600.00 for this grade at a single dose. After paying RM1,200.00, we thought the remedy has to do him some good for the money spent. Each grade differs as only experienced herbalist can tell. It all depends on environment as where the porcupines thrive and how well the wild herbs flourish. His wife fed him the first dose that night as he was in a very delirious state of mind. Another dose was given to him early next morning. The doctor who came on round later in the morning was surprised at his rapid recovery. His blood count had raised tremendously and was given an immediate discharge.
According to the Chinese folk remedy, the first dose from a good grade is sufficient to raise the blood count but the second dose helps to prevent joint aches during old age if you have had severe dengue fever before. Sad to say, little or no research has been done on this remedy and not scientifically documented. Older generations who lived centuries ago must have understood of how desirable the active principles of the stone could be. But cheap and natural food listed below can help dengue patients within the hospitalization period and the home recovery time to feel better if taken daily for one month. These are all natural products like double-boiling a few small bitter gourds with a couple of paddy frogs and water. Drink this soup daily for 30 days. Or blend the red flesh and white part of the watermelon into a juice. Discard the green skin. Drinking this fruit juice often can help to cool the heaty body’s system. Another remedy is to sip the juice of the local green coconut in order to balance the body’s fluid. Do not consume the fragrant coconut as it has a different role.
Well, whatever happens to any suspected dengue case, is still best to be diagnosed by the doctor to confirm the infection. We learnt a painful lesson from the young friend’s death.


余庚财与谢宋美Y3K Recipes Issue no.42Mar-Apr 2008

1 条评论:

  1. 哇哇!好像看了神奇小說一樣的神奇,吃了河豬棗(動物的垃圾)病就好了。真的恭喜你啦!
